Learn About…
Identify job-related activities that put Agents at risk of an attack.
National Association of Realtors Member Survey
The Beverly Carter Story
Self Defense Strategies…
What is Self Defense? Why take a class?
Situational Awareness
Colonel Jeff Cooper & the Color Codes of Awareness
Event and Threat Indicators
The Attack Cycle
Flight, Fight or Freeze
Mental Exercises & Threat De-Escalation
Understanding The Elements of Self Defense
Defending Others
Safety Considerations Prior to and While Meeting Clients
Approaching, Entering and Departing from the Property
Develop a Plan…
What To Do If Attacked
Defensive Tools
Use of Force Options
Unarmed Techniques
Choosing a Firearm
First Aid Considerations
Self Defense Myths
Handling the Immediate Aftermath & Dialing 911
Potential Consequences
This class is presented in a self-paced learning format – watch it all at once or in segments at your convenience!